Categoria: <span>My Florence…</span>

Brancacci Chapel

The Brancacci Chapel is a chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence. It is sometimes called the “Sistine Chapel of the early Renaissance” for its painting cycle, among the most famous and influential of the period. …

Giardino Bardini

When it comes to visiting gardens, Boboli always is the first choice in Florence. But you should’t miss the Bardini Gardens, former private gardens of Stefano Bardini, a florentine antique dealer which left all his possessions to the City of …

Gelateria Ermini

Gelateria Ermini, Via Gioberti. When it comes to gelato in Florence, the farthest you go from the centre, the better place you will find! Some gelato places in the centre are real tourist traps, so you better avoid the ones …